




  1. 将鸡腿肉去骨,切成大块。
  2. 将腌制的佐料混合, 放入鸡块,腌制至少2个小时或一夜。
  3. 锅中放入足够的油,将油温烧至175度,调至中火。
  4. 将鸡蛋中放入2匙清水,搅打均匀。鸡块依次裹鸡蛋液、土豆淀粉,放入油锅中炸4分钟左右,直至鸡块金黄(如果只炸一次,需要控制油温一直在175度左右。没有测温表,可以低温炸5分钟,沥出鸡块,提高油温,复炸脆)。沥出鸡块。
  5. 将九层塔叶擦干水分,放入油中炸几秒至叶子酥脆, 取出沥油。
  6. 炸好的鸡块,撒上炸好的九层塔和椒盐粉。


  • 3 chicken thighs, skin on, boneless
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 tbsp cold water
  • 1 cup potato starch
  • 1 bunch fresh basil leaves
  • Peanut oil for deep-frying
  • salt and pepper powder
  • red chili flakes

For the marinade

  • 1 tbsp light soy sauce
  • ¼ tsp five-spice powder
  • ¼ tsp white pepper powder
  • ½ tbsp cornstarch
  • Salt
  • 2 tbsp cold water


  1. Cut the chicken into large bite-size pieces.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the ingredients of marinate. Add the chicken, stir well and marinate the chicken for at leat 2 hours or over night.
  3. Add enough oil to a large sauce pan over high heat until the oil reaches 175℃. Reduce the heat to medium.
  4. Combine the egg with 2 tbsp cold water, stir well. Place the potato starch in another bowl next to it. Dip each piece of chicken into the egg wash, then dust by the potato starch. Shake off any excess, and fry for 4 minutes or until it’s crisp and golden all around. Drain the chicken out with a slotted spoon and transfer to a plate lined with paper towel.
  5. Fry the bail leaves for a few seconds until crisp and translucent. Transfer to paper towel.
  6. Serve the chicken with salt and pepper powder and fried bail leaves.
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