



1.     葱姜末倒入200毫升清水中,挤出葱姜汁,然后过滤出葱姜,保留汁水。

2.     将猪肉绞成肉馅,虾切碎。猪肉馅倒入葱姜水(量需要按照肉的吸水程度调节),1汤匙淀粉,盐,白胡椒粉,轻轻搅拌让肉吃水,大概5分钟。

3.     放入虾肉,搅拌均匀。

4.     一片云吞皮放上适量肉馅,轻轻将口捏合。

5.     汤锅中注水,烧开。滚水中放入云吞,煮4分钟。

6.     碗中放入盐,白胡椒粉,葱花,放入馄饨和汤水。


  • 300g ground pork
  • 200g shrimp, minced
  • 1 package (220g) wonton wrappers
  • 2 tbsp spring onion, minced
  • 2 tbsp ginger, minced
  • ½ tbsp salt
  • ½ tsp white pepper powder
  • 1 tbsp corn starch
  • 200ml water


  1. Soak the minced green onions and ginger in 200ml water, squeeze with your fingers, and then drain the onions and ginger to retain the liquid.
  2. Mix ground pork with reserved liquid, corn starch, salt, white pepper powder. Stir to thoroughly mix the pork filling.
  3. Add minced shrimp, mix well.
  4. Spoon 1 tbsp of pork filling onto the center of each wonton wrapper. Fold each corner of the wrapper over the filling, and press the edges together to seal.
  5. Cook the wonton in boiling water for 4 minutes.
  6. Transfer the soup to a bowl, add a pinch of salt and white pepper powder, serve with minced spring onion.
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