Everyday Food / Vetetables & Salads 佐料:蒜瓣8个(拍散),鸡精,盐主料:红苋菜500克 做法:将苋菜叶和芯摘下,梗不要,清晰干净,沥干水份。油锅烧热,放油,中火炒蒜瓣,直到蒜瓣焦黄。放入苋菜叶,翻炒一下,放盐,鸡精,炒到所有叶子颜色变深,锅中出现菜汁,关火,翻炒均匀。 INGREDIENTS500g red amaranth8 garlic cloves, crushedSaltChicken powderVegetable oil COOK’S TIPSPick the amaranth leaves and discard the stems. Rinse the leaves thoroughly to remove any grit and drain excess water.Heat the wok over medium heat. Add garlic cloves until garlic cloves are lightly browned.Add the amaranth and stir-fry for 30 seconds, add salt and chicken powder. Stir-fry until it turns a deep green. You Might Also Like 杭椒猪柳 April 6, 2019 尖椒酿肉 April 2, 2019 椒盐豆腐 March 26, 2019