



1.     清理鱼,可以从鱼背部入刀,将鱼对半切开。

2.     鱼背部划上切口。将鱼的表面抹上少许盐。鱼盘垫上葱段姜片,放上片开的鱼,再铺上葱段姜片。

3.     鱼盘可以直接放入炒锅蒸,或者使用蒸格。蒸锅上汽后,蒸15分钟。

4.     取出蒸好的鱼,将葱姜片取出,倒掉盘中蒸鱼的汤汁,撒上葱丝。

5.     锅中放入油烧热,放少许姜丝炒香,将油淋在鱼和葱丝上。最后淋上蒸鱼豉油。



Steamed Fish with Seasoned Soy Sauce


• 1 medium Australian bass

• 3 tbsp seasoned soy sauce for sea food

• 4 spring onion, sliced

• 2 tbsp fresh ginger, sliced

• 4 tbsp vegetable oil

• 1 tsp salt



1. Buy a swimming fish, gut it through the gills, or gut it through the stomach. Rinse the fish under cold, running water and dry with kitchen paper. 

2. Diagonally score both sides of the fish and sprinkle with salt. Put 1/3 of spring onion and ginger on a plate. Place the fish on the plate, and spread 1/3 of the spring onion and ginger on top of the fish.

3. Place the plate holding the fish in the steamer, cover, and steam for about 15 minutes.

4. When the fish is ready, remove the plate from the steamer, remove steamed spring onion and ginger and pour off any accumulated liquid. Put remaining spring onion on the top of the fish. 

5. Heat the oil in a wok over high heat until it is hot. Add remaining ginger and remove the oil from the heat and pour it directly over the spring onion on the fish. Drizzle the soy sauce for sea food over the fish and serve immediately.

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