
佐料:砂糖2汤匙,生抽2汤匙,耗油1汤匙, 生姜丝1汤匙,葱花1汤匙,清水1小碗(150毫升),盐,油。



  1. 清理大头虾,剪掉虾须、虾脚、去掉虾囊和虾线 。虾须、虾脚可以保留下来。可以炸成虾油、拌面(其它菜谱)。
  2. 炒锅烧热,放少许油,放入姜丝和虾翻炒大概30秒,取出。
  3. 将砂糖倒入锅中,倒入2汤匙清水,加热。当汤水开始冒大泡时,调低炉火,一边加热一边搅动,直到锅中的砂糖成焦糖色。
  4. 倒入清水、生抽、耗油。调高炉火,再次将汤水煮均匀,放入炒过的虾,盖盖闷,直到锅中汤汁浓稠。
  5. 打开锅盖,加入少许盐,翻炒收汁。


  • 500g raw tiger prawns or fresh water prawns
  • 2 tbsp light soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp fresh ginger, sliced
  • 1 tbsp spring onion
  • vegetable oil
  • tsp salt
  • 150ml water


  1. Rinse the prawns. Using kitchen scissors, trim the legs and feelers off the prawns. Cut through the shell along the back of each prawn and remove the digestive tract.
  2. Heat the wok, add 2 tbsp oil and stir-fry prawn with ginger for 30 seconds. Transfer to a plate.
  3. Reheat the wok, combine the sugar with 2tbsp water over medium heat. Cook and stirring the mixture for 5minitues or until the mixture has thickened and smells caramelized.
  4. Add water, soy sauce, and oyster sauce, swirling the pan to combine everything. Add the prawns. Cover the wok and bring the caramel mixture to a simmer and cook for 5 minutes or until the sauce reduce to a stick coating.
  5. Add sault if need, serve garnished with spring onion.
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