



  1. 排骨切块,放入清水中浸泡2个小时,去除血水,沥干。
  2. 凉瓜洗净,去除内瓤,斜切厚片。
  3. 炒锅烧热,放入油,加入生姜片爆香,倒入排骨翻炒2分钟。
  4. 放入除了清水之外的佐料,翻炒均匀,倒入清水。
  5. 盖盖,转中火,焖煮,如果喜欢吃软烂的排骨,适当增加水量。
  6. 煮到锅中只剩少许汤水时在排骨上铺上凉瓜片,转大火,盖盖闷,直到锅中水烧干(约3分钟)。
  7. 放入盐,翻炒1分钟。


  • 500g pork ribs, cut into 3cm pieces.
  • 2 small (200g) bitter gourd
  • 1 tbsp Light soy sauce
  • ½ tbsp. dark soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp oyster sauce
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • ½ tbsp ground black pepper
  • 20g fresh ginger, sliced
  • 300ml water
  • Salt
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Cut pork to 3cm pieces and soak the ribs in a bowl of cold water for at least 2 hours to drain the blood. Drain the ribs and set aside.
  2. Rinse the bitter gourd, remove seeds, and cut into 3 cm pieces.
  3. Heat 3 tbsp oil in a wok, stir-fry sliced ginger for 10 seconds. Add ribs and sir-fry for 2 minutes over high heat.
  4. Add all sauces, sugar, and ground black pepper. Stir-fry until all ingredients mix well.
  5. Add water, reduce to medium-low heat, cover the wok and simmer for 15 minutes or until the ribs are tender (add water if needed). The sauce should reduce to a stick coating.
  6. Place bitter gourd pieces over the ribs, covered, and simmer for another 3 minutes (add a little more water if needed).
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