Snacks / Vetetables & Salads 佐料:生抽2汤匙,淀粉5汤匙,椒盐粉1/3汤匙主料:硬豆腐1块(400克) 做法:用厨房纸擦干豆腐表面水分。把豆腐切成大方块,每一块的每一面都均匀的沾上生抽,淀粉,然后放在盘中备用(盘子底部摸一层薄油)。锅中放油,加热到160 °C,调小炉火,逐一放入豆腐块,炸4分钟,或至每面金黄。沥出炸好的豆腐,撒上椒盐粉。 INGREDIENTS400g firm tofu, cut into 9 pieces2 tbsp light soy sauce1 cup corn starch1 tsp salt & pepper powderVegetable oil for deep fryingRed chili powder COOK’S TIPSGently dry the tofu pieces with kitchen paper.Dip the tofu in the soy sauce, then dust in the corn starch to coat. Place the tofu on an oiled plate.Heat the oil in a large saucepan to 160°C, reduce the heat to medium-low and deep-fry the tofu for 4 minutes or until golden and crispy.Dust the tofu in the salt & pepper powder and serve with chili powder. You Might Also Like 葱姜贻贝 April 8, 2019 盐酥鸡 April 3, 2019 炸鹌鹑 April 2, 2019